Anxiety and the Pandemic

The Impact of the Pandemic on Our Mental Health and Well Being 

Michele Gibbons-Carr, Ph.D. 

Two years ago, COVID-19 exploded worldwide, spread rapidly, and created the emergency condition of the pandemic. We have lived in a state of emergency for the last two years.  This has had significant and dramatic impact on our mental health, our physical health, and our well-being.  

This pandemic has been called the worst public health crisis in generations. It has left staggering numbers of us with anxiety, collective trauma and chronic stress as our day-to-day routines were uprooted, as we were forced to shift quickly and severely to new ways of working and as we navigated lockdowns and the distress of school closures and childcare issues.  Some thrived working remotely but others were disconnected from important workplace social interactions. Those whose jobs could not be done remotely faced the direct threat of potentially becoming ill or spreading it to vulnerable loved ones. The emotional distress of anxiety is just one of the consequences of the past two years.  

As the transition begins back to the workplace, many are reporting that they are experiencing changes in their mental and emotional energy or mood as well as their focus. Some feel exhausted, overextended, and pessimistic. We encourage you to be proactive in addressing your concerns and exploring strategies to manage and cope.  Some of you may benefit from therapy. Others of you may benefit from coaching and learning strategies focused on your well-being that help you reduce anxiety and stress and that bolster your mental health. 

This blog post is part of a series on Anxiety that will help you understand it and provide strategies for managing it. 


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