

Why is Mental Health Important?

Stan Fleming, MSW 

Though you may think Why is Mental Health Important? to be a simple question, you must also consider  it to be a vital one. It is critical that we understand the importance of mental health and how it affects  our everyday living. As a Mental Health Therapist, clients have asked me this question many times  through the years. But before exploring the question, we must first understand the meaning of mental  health. We must first consider the factors which make up mental health.  

Basically put, when we describe mental health, we are considering some of the following factors: • Your emotional, psychological, physical, and social well-being. 

• How you handle stress? 

• How you relate to others? 

• The life choices you’ve made. 

Every stage of your life affects your well-being and has molded you into the person you are today. Your  history of early childhood affects your adolescence and eventually who you are when you become an  adult. When we look back to consider the extenuating circumstances. A few important conditions to  measure are: 

• If mental health problems exist in your family’s historically. 

• The degree to which traumatic events have affected your life experiences. 

• If you were in an abusive situation as a child, adolescent, or adult. 

• If there were any biological factors that you need to consider. 

Why should people be more aware of mental health? 

By staying aware or on top of your mental health, you’ll maintain your ability to grow as an individual  and more effectively resist depression, anxiety, and other challenges with everyday encounters.  Another reason why people need to be more aware of mental health is that many people simply don’t  realize they have a mental health problems, and these unchecked conditions adversely impact decision  making and quality of life. 

How can I recognize having a Mental Health Problem? 

To recognize mental health concerns, one must consistently pay attention to the following (and other)  indicators: 

• Am I feeling down and out most of the time? 

• Is my motivation and energy level extremely low most of the time? 

• Am I feeling helpless and hopeless? 

• Am I experiencing severe mood swings that cause problems in my relationships with others? • Am I smoking, drinking, or frequently indulging in drug use to cope with my issues? • Am I being combative or constantly fighting with family and friends? 

• Am I thinking of harming myself or others? 

• Am I eating and or sleeping too much or too little? 

• Am I tired during the day?

• Am I unable to concentrate in school, at my job, or give attention to my family? • Am I constantly hearing voices or believing things that are not true? 

If any of the statements above are true, it’s possible your mental health is compromised and can, ideally,  be improved. Please contact a medical/psychiatric/psychological professional as soon as possible for  consult, assessment, and support. 

The Benefits of Good Mental Health 

Whether you are younger or older, the benefits of good mental health for your total well-being cannot  be overstated. When your psychological wellness is affected, negative behaviors can manifest. This may  not only affect personal health, it may also compromise your relationships with others. 

When you monitor and work on being mentally aware, it affords you a stronger ability to cope with life’s stressors, which can include relationships, jobs, finances, personal achievement, and social interactions. When mental and emotional states are at peak levels, the challenges of life can be easier to overcome.  Not understanding the pitfalls of poor mental health can result in substance abuse, isolation, combative  

and abusive behavior, poor personal relationships, financial problems, and work challenges. A stable  mental state can encourage healthier coping mechanisms. Also, creating a positive self-image can play a part in building your self-esteem and promoting mental health awareness. 

Healthier Relationships 

If your mental health is in good standing, you might be more capable of providing your friends and  family with quality time, affection, and support. When you’re not in emotional distress, it can be easier  to show up and support the people you care about. 

Note: If you feel you have a Mental Health problem, you can contact Medical or Mental Health professionals  in your immediate area or contact One Health for a positive, noninvasive way of dealing with your  issues. All inquires are confidential and One Health life coaches and therapists are here for you 24  hours a day, 7 days a week.


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