

The Largest Segment of the Workforce is…

By Staff

The Pew Research Center defines “Millennials” as the people who were born between 1981 and 1996. And Gallup, which uses roughly the same time window, estimates that there are approximately 73 million Millennials in America.

Millennials already are the largest segment in the workplace. By 2025, 75 percent of the global workforce is expected to be made up of Millennials.

With this, employers have to find ways to tailor their work experience to the largest demographic available to hire. 

Here are 5 tips to ensuring you are inline with modern hiring practices to attract and retain the milennial workforce:

  1. Make your work environment telework friendly – Allow workers to complete task in a variety of ways to leverage the modern workplace. It could be their home, a common-area workplace, or their favorite coffee shop. As long as the proper security infrastructure is in place (VPN, enterprise computer equipment, etc.), this will make the workplace more versatile.
  2. Enusre upward mobility is attainable and the way to achieve it is transparent – The days of “holding a job for a friend” are long gone as the modern workforce likes to be rewarded for their efforts. Always display the levels of hierarchy and the benchmarks needed to attain it. If you communicate clearly what is expected, nothing can be left to ambiguity.
  3. Have flexible work hours – 9 to 5 work schedules seem to confine the modern workforce. Give them weekly or bi-weekly hours to reach and allow for flexible timeframes to log those hours. Again, this provides your modern workforce with options to ensure they have a proper work-life balance.
  4. Incorporate health and wellness into the daily regiment – The modern workforce wants to know that their employers care about them. Have healthy drinks and snacks available in common work areas or create partnerships with local gyms to offer your employees an outlet for physical activity.
  5. Ensure your social media enganement is up to speed with modern standards – Everyone wants to feel like they are a part of a “winning team”. Modernize your social media platform to engage your workforce and you will be surprised at the engagement opportunities you will create with your employees and teammates.


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